Wednesday, April 18, 2012

New Commissions Promotion

We're running a new commissions promition for the rest of this month and possibly into the month of May. Here's the deal: commission us to draw your favorite character (it doesn't matter who or what the character is) and along with your commission you'll get: The original pencil and ink drawing of your commission and a FREE (fully colored) 11x 17 print of the following characters/ Superman...Batman..Chun-Li ...Brom Bullets ... Captain Haki ... Fawn ... Gypsy ... or Kommando Khan. All of these pics and others can be seen in our mobile upload album on facebook and we'll be adding new pics to the free list of prints to choose from in the near future including the first set of SOUL HEIR COLLECTOR CARDS. "But Mr Skribblerz what if I just want a penciled commission? " Not a problem. For those of u who commission us for a pencil drawing only .. you'll get your choice of 2 of the above mentioned pics. Now tell me .. who else is going to give u this much free stuff? I'll tell u who ... NOBODY! So all interested parties hit us up at ocietaylor@gmail COMMISSION PRICE LIST: single characters: pencil only: $20/inked: $25/colored $30 Multiple characters on one page:pencil only: prices stsrt at $25 for pencils only and $25 for colored.